Virtualbox on Slackware
Virtualbox open source package overview

In my last blog entry I already briefly mentioned that my slackware package repository contains various virtualbox related packages. Today I want to explain a bit more what packages there are and what they contain.
For many years already I maintain the SlackBuilds for virtualbox over at The packages offered in my repo match those for the most part. The packages will, however, always be a bit more up-to-date, as I update my SlackBuilds on only for major changes.
Unfortunately I can’t offer a package for virtualbox-extension-pack
as its license doesn’t allow for redistribution.
The main virtualbox
package contains pretty much everything contained in the binary installer offered by Oracle.
Besides the GUI and command line interfaces, there’s the vboxweb-service, the java and python3 bindings, and the
vnc extension pack (which isn’t shipped with the binary installer afaik).
This package also ships additional include files needed to build packages like RemoteBox.
The virtualbox-kernel
package contains the host kernel modules needed to run virtualbox virtual machines. I do
not intend to update this package for every kernel update happening in slackware-current, but still aim for as many
as I have time for.
However, it isn’t strictly necessary. The main virtualbox
package already installs the kernel module sources in
as well, so if there is no package available for the kernel you want to run,
you can either fetch the SlackBuild and build one yourself, or just build the modules locally:
cd /usr/src/virtualbox-kernel-$VERSION
make install
The virtualbox-addons
package contains the userspace utilities needed to be installed inside virtualbox vms. This
does not contain the guest kernel modules, as those are now shipped upstream in the linux kernel as well.
There’s some disagreement on whether the linux kernel modules or the included ones should be used, but as the modules included in slackware’s kernel work just fine, I see no need to go through the hassle of replacing them with different ones.
VirtualBox upstream now advises to use the VMSVGA
graphics controller rather than VBoxVGA
. The latter
two use the xf86-video-vboxvideo driver, whereas the former uses xf86-video-vmware
. With recent fixes to
kscreen both should work reasonably fine with Plasma. However, while automatic rescaling worked out-of-the-box for
in the past (I haven’t been able to get that working in recent versions), it works for VMSVGA
only with
the virtualbox-addons
package installed and rc.vboxadd-service
is a simple addon for Plasma’s krunner that allows starting virtual machines via Alt + F2